Jogaplast S.L.
Creating solutions It is a family business, with more than 20 years of experience, which goes beyond the production of plastic parts. Jogaplast offers our clients integral solutions from the collaboration in the design, to the final manufacture of parts in injection of thermoplastics, tubes extrusion, coating and cutting of cables, injection of Zamak and to the assembly of any type of piece and product, being able to manufacture semi-finished sub-assemblies and / or finished products.
The strength of JOGAPLAST is based on our productive and human resources, which thanks to its involvement and the continuous improvement, develops its activities focused on the satisfaction of the client, guaranteeing the highest quality in all our services.
We have a large network of partners with which we can offer: Manufacturing of national and international molds, 3D prototypes, automations, paints, chrome plating, machining, laser, emblisading, ultrasound ...

JogaPlast works mainly in the automotive sector, in the design and manufacture of semi-finished sub-assemblies and / or finished products.
For this sector we produce gearshifts, rear-view mirrors, hand brakes, windscreen wipers, thermo contacts and probes...
This sector represents 15% of our current activity, which corresponds to the second sector with the most production within JogaPlast.
Furniture, toys, toilets, valves, osmosis and decalcifying machinery, accessories for swimming pools, printers and plotters...
In third place in relation to the production of our company, we find the food sector, which accounts for 10% of the total activity.
For this sector, caps for cans, packaging tupperwares, cups and figures for cakes ...
Although to a lesser extent, JogaPlast also produces in the agriculture sector, which represents around 4% of our activity.
For this sector we manufacture clips for different crops, clamps, accessories for aquariums, cages...